Bao Sanniang
Lu Xun
Sima Shi
Sima Zhao
Xiahou Dun
Zhao Yun
Zhen Ji
Zhou Tai
I 'hate" 4Gamer because they often has the higher resolution artworks and screenshots rather than the official site. They has 1280 x 720 px screenshots and 1000 x 1000 px character artworks. The artworks has white color too, easier to render ^^
Well, just click the name to get the artworks and the screenshot images to enlarge it
Dynasty Warriors 7 New Screenshots
Cai Wenji, Cao Cao, Da Qiao, Ling Tong, Lu Meng, Ma Chao, Wang Yuanji, Xiahou Yuan, Xing Cai, Zhuge Dan artworks in here
Deng Ai, Guo Huai, Jiang Wei, Ma Dai, Sima Yi, Zhong Hui artworks in here
Cao Ren, Ding Feng, Huang Zhong, Meng Huo, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Zhu Rong artworks in here
Dian Wei, Jia Xu, Sun Shang Xiang, Taishi Ci, Yuan Shao, Yue Ying, Zhang Jiao, Zhang Liao artworks in here
Dong Zhuo, Lian Shi, Liu Bei, Liu Shan, Lu Bu, Sun Quan, Xiahou Ba, Xiao Qiao, Zhang He, Zhao Yun DLC costume, Zhuge Liang artworks in here
Dong Zhuo, Lian Shi, Liu Bei, Liu Shan, Lu Bu, Sun Quan, Xiahou Ba, Xiao Qiao, Zhang He, Zhao Yun DLC costume, Zhuge Liang artworks in here