Dynasty Warriors 7 New Characters and Screenshots

Dynasty Warriors 7 Artworks
Cai Wenji
Cao Cao
Da Qiao
Ling Tong
Lu Meng
Ma Chao
Wang Yuanji
Xiahou Yuan
Xing Cai
Zhuge Dan
1000 x 1000 px CG artworks from 4Gamer
There  are 2 new characters in DW7, Wang Yuanji -wife of Sima Zhao- and Zhuge Dan -cousin of Zhuge Liang- Both has this wetern'ish outlook. Pretty cool, i think
Da Qiao and Cai Wenji have their DW Strike Force 2 design

Extra 61 screenshots + 18 high-resolution character artworks (the face part only)
Download Link Media Fire
File Size 32.84 MB
Source Dynasty Warriors 7 Official Website

Dynasty Warriors 7 New Screenshots
1280 x 720 px screenshots from 4Gamer Ling Tong is back with his nunchaku