The official website has announced the complete result of their big project Final Fantasy Grand Vote, finally it has ended. It took me days to recap it lol, geez. I could have posted each category per day but nah, i'll just recap it all in one article. And i like Final Fantasy Series so i will try my best to translate them all. Alright let's just take a look on it ....
Total votes: 468,654 (Female: 49.2% Male: 50.8%)
<20: 4.7="" p="">20-29: 27.3%
30-39: 44.5%
40-49: 19.3%
50-59: 3.6%
>59: 0.5%
Reading FFRK at 30th kinda bring back memories, i played that game before. Very addicting... in the bus, on lunch break, then suddenly after an update i couldn't log in T_T Anw, i made a Spreadsheet for the gender and age breakdown votes in each series but unfortunately they didnt give a complete data.
1. Cloud " FFVII ''
2. Yuna "FFX"
3. Aerith " FFVII ''
4. Vivi "FFIX"
5. Zidane " FFIX ''
6. Emet-Selch "FFXIV"
7. Tidus " FFX ''
8. Lightning "FFXIII"
9. Tifa "FFVII"
10. Zack "FFVII"
11. Sephiroth "FFVII"
12. Haurchefant Greystone "FFXIV"
13. Noctis Lucis Chaelum "FFXV"
14. Squall "FFVIII"
15. Auron " FFX ''
16. Gilgamesh "FFV"
17. Terra " FFVI ''
18. Kain "FFIV"
19. Celes " FFVI ''
20. Crystal Exarch " FFXIV ''
21. Locke "FFVI"
22. Vincent "FFVII"
23. Edgar "FFVI"
24. Shantotto " FFXI ''
25. Bartz "FFV"
26. Laguna " FFVIII ''
27. Rikku "FFX"
28. Ignis Scientia "FFXV"
29. Balthier " FFXII ''
30. Faris "FFV"
31. Agrias Oaks "FF Tactics"
32. Reno " FFVII ''
33. Yuffie "FFVII"
34. Jecht "FFX"
35. Rinoa " FFVIII ''
36. Ramza Beoulve "FF Tactics"
37. Rydia (adult) "FFIV"
38. Prompto Argentum "FFXV"
39. Galuf " FFV ''
40. Cecil (paladin) "FFIV"
41.Shadow "FFVI"
42. Estinien Wyrmblood "FFXIV"
43. Kefka "FFVI"
44. Setzer "FFVI"
45. Garnet "FFIX"
46. Ardbert " FFXIV ''
47. Kuja " FFIX ''
48. Hope Estheim "FFXIII"
49. Sabin "FFVI"
50. Red XIII " FFVII ''
51.Y'shtola "FFXIV"
52. Beatrix "FFIX"
53. Wakka " FFX ''
54. Golbeza "FFIV"
55. Eiko "FFIX"
56. Cidolfus Orlandeau "FF tactics"
57. Kurasame Susaya "Final Fantasy Type-0"
58. G’raha Tia "FFXIV"
59. Cid " FFVII ''
60. Alisaie Leveilleur "FFXIV"
61. Ace " Final Fantasy Type-0 ''
62. Lulu "FFX"
63. Ardyn Izunia "FFXV"
64. Lenna " FFV ''
65. Alphinaud Leveilleur "FFXIV"
66*. Ultros " FFVI ''
66*. Edge "FFIV"
68. Vaan " FFXII ''
69. Lunafreya Knox Fleuret "FF XV"
70. Irvine "FFVIII"
71. Minwu "FFII"
72. Steiner "FFIX"
73. Selphie "FFVIII"
74. Freya "FFIX"
75. Aranea Highwind "FFXV"
Comment: FF X won the series category but the 1st place for character category is Cloud from FF VII. Bibi, Zidane (FF IX), and Zack (Crisis Core) are in top 10 wow, they were even not in the top 30 interim result. And this Solus guy or Emet-Selch (FF XIV) jumped on from 11th to 6th?! Is he that badass? Oh look, there is Steiner (FF IX) at 72nd, thought he wont make it XD
For the top 75, the most popular characters from Type-0 are Kurasame at 57th and Ace at 61st. I have to admit that those two have the coolest design in the game. Also only three characters from Tactics, Agrias at 31st, Ramza at 36th, and Cidolfus at 56th.
Dragoon girls at 74th and 75th, Freya (FF IX) and Aranea (FF XV). Kain (FF IV) is the most popular dragoon class character at rank 18th who even beaten the main protagonist Cecil who is at 40th
1. Knights of Round "FFVII"
2. Kefka "FFVI"
3. Hades "FFXIV"
4. Anima "FFX"
5. Omega "FFV"
6. Valefore "FFX"
7. Braska's Final Aeon "FFX"
8. Bahamut Zero " FFVII ''
9. Syldra "FFV"
10. Safer Sephiroth "FFVII"
11. Shiva " FFX ''
12. Bahamut " FFX ''
13. Rubicante "FFIV"
14. Tsukuyomi "FFXIV"
15. Cloud of Darkness "FF III"
16. Ghost Train "FF VI"
17. Odin " FFXIII ''
18. Omega V4.0 "FFXIV"
19. Titan "FFXIV"
20. Yiazmat "FFXII"
21. Shinryu "FFV"
22. Diablos "FFVIII"
23. Trance Kuja " FFIX ''
24. Ozma " FFIX ''
25. Tonberry "FFVIII"
26. Neo Ex-Death " FFV ''
27. Typhon " FFVI ''
28. Ultima Weapon " FFVI ''
29. Koyo Koyo "FFVIII"
30. Chocobo & Moogle "FFVII"
31*. Yojimbo "FFX"
31*. Demon's Wall "FFIV"
33. Bahamut " FFV ''
34. Titania "FFXIV"
35. Shadow Lord " FFXI ''
36. Cactuar " FFVIII ''
37. Zeromus "FFIV"
38. Omega Weapon "FFVIII"
39. Shiva " FFXV ''
40. Bahamut "FFIII"
41. Bahamut Prime "FFXIV"
42. Eden "FFVIII"
43. Shiva " FFVIII ''
44. Garuda "FFIII"
45. Belias "FF Tactics"
46. Odin "FFVIII"
47. Alexander Prime "FFXIV"
48. Nidhogg "FFXIV"
49. Nemesis "FFX"
50. Magus Sisters " FFX ''
51. Calcabrina " FFIV "
52. Leviathan " FFXV "
53. Suzaku " FFXIV "
54. Madeen " FFIX "
55. Brothers " FFVIII "
56. Emperor (second time) " FFII "
57. Cactuar " FX "
58*. Altima " FF Tactics "
58*. Eternal Darkness " FFIX ''
60*. Twintania "FFXIV"
60*. Seymour "FFX"
62. Rhitahtyn "FFXIV"
63. Bahamut " FFVII "
64. Odin " FFIII ''
65. Bahamut "FFIV"
66. Midgar Zolom " FFVII ''
67. Knights of the Round "FFXV"
68. Quetzalcoatl "FFVIII"
69. Barbariccia "FFIV"
70. Gilgamesh " FFXIV ''
71. Shiva " FFXIV ''
72. Shiva " FFXIII ''
73. Omega Alphascape V3.0 "FFXIV"
74. Jumbo Cactuar "FFVIII"
75. Adamantoise “FFXV”
76. Deathgaze " FFVI "
77. Shinryu " FFXIV ''
78. Mogul Mog XII " FFXIV ''
79. Don Tonberry "FFX"
80. Ifrit "FFX"
81. Ramuh "FFXV"
82*. Odin " FFV "
82*. Gilgamesh " Final Fantasy Dissidia "
84. Odin " FFVII ''
85. Brute Justice "FFXIV"
86. Bahamut " FFIX ''
87. Seymour Omnis "FFX"
88. Carbuncle "FFVIII"
89. Ultima Weapon " FFVII ''
90. Two Headed Dragon " FFIII ''
91. Bahamut " FFVIII ''
92. Nael Deus Darnus "FFXIV"
93. Emerald Weapon "FFVII"
94. Ixion " FFX ''
95. Mist Dragon " FFIV ''
96. Bahamut Zero "FFVII"
97. X-ATM092 " FFVIII ''
98. Griever " FFVIII ''
99. Doomtrain "FFVIII"
100. Bhunivelze " Final Fantasy XIII:Lightning Returns "
101 Atomos " FFV ''
102*. Ark " FFIX ''
102*. Ifrit " FFVIII ''
104. Bahamut " FFXV ''
105*. Odin "FFIV"
105*. Absolute Virtue " FFXI ''
107. Golem "FFV"
108. Chaos " Final Fantasy ''
109. Melusine "FFV"
110. Shiva " FFVII ''
111. Ifrit "FFXV"
112. Kefka " FFXIV ''
113. Cuchulainn "FF Tactics"
114. Maduin " FFVI ''
115. Carbuncle "FFXI"
116. Mumba "FFVIII"
117. Hein "FFIII"
118. Bizarro Sephiroth "FFVII"
119. Dark Knight "FFIV"
120. Black Knight "FFII"
121. Minerva " Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core "
122. Ultima Weapon " FFXIV ''
123. Zodiark " FFXII ''
124. Ultima Weapon " FFVIII ''
125*. Ultima " FFXII ''
125*. Bahamut "FFVI"
127*. Vargas "FFVI"
127*. Bahamut Fury "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core"
127*. Ultima Buster "FFVI"
130. Tonberry " FFXIII ''
131*. Cagnazzo "FFIV"
131*. The Madragoras " FFXII ''
133. Undead Princess " FFCC Echoes of Time "
134*. Captain "FFII"
134*. Phoenix "FFV"
134*. Pterya " FFX ''
137*. Alexander "FFVI"
137*. ? ? ? ? "FFX"
139. Chadarnook "FFVI"
140*. Sin (head) "FFX"
140*. Ozma " FFXIV ''
142*. Goddess "FFVI"
142*. Fenrir "FFXI"
144. Jenova LIFE "FFVII"
145. Garuda " FFXIV ''
146. Tonberry " FFXV ''
147*. Dadaluma " FFVI ''
147*. Seymour Natus “FFX”
147*. Tantarian " FFIX ''
150. Moogle " FF Tactics ''
151*. Baldanders " FFXIII ''
151*. Scarmiglione " FFIV ''
153. Magic Master " FFVI ''
154*. Valigarmanda " FFVI ''
154*. Yan " FFIX ''
156*. Orphan "FFXIII"
156*. Innocence " FFXIV ''
158*. Ruby Weapon " FFVII ''
158*. Orthros " FF Brave Exvius ''
160*. Gigantuar " FFXIII ''
160*. Titan (Eden's Gate: Sepulture) "FFXIV"
162. Angeal Penance "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core"
163. Alexander " FFXI ''
164. Feral Chaos " Final Fantasy Dissidia ''
165*. Susano "FFXIV"
165*. Gilgamesh “ FFXII Revenant Wing ”
167. Odin " FFVI ''
168. Angra Mainyu " FFX-2 "
169*. Shiva " Final Fantasy Type-0 "
169*. Kain "FFIV"
169*. Leviathan "FFVIII"
172. Dragon "FFIV"
173. Titan "FFXV"
174*. Chocobo "FFIV"
174*. Leviathan "FFVII"
174*. Scathach "FFXIV"
177*. Ravana " FFXIV ''
177*. Chocobo "FFVIII"
179. Cray Claw "FFV"
180*. Jack Moschet " FFCC "
180*. Bahamut " Final Fantasy Type-0 ''
182. Shiva " FFIX ''
183*. Ymir "FFVI"
183*. Unstable Cluster " FFXI ''
183*. Gerogero "FFVIII"
186*. ? ? ? ? " FFX-2 ''
186*. Alexander " FFXIII ''
188*. Efrey "FFX"
188*. Carbuncle " FFIX ''
190. Gigantuar " FFXV ''
191*. Ark Angel EV " FFXI ''
191*. Lamia Queen " FFII ''
193. Der Richter (Penance) "FFX"
194*. Rursan Arbiter "Final Fantasy Type-0"
194*. Lost Number “FFVII”
196*. Coeurl " FFXV ''
196*. Lifeform Hojo-N " FFVII ''
198*. Guard Scorpion "FFVII"
198*. Bahamut " FFXIII ''
198*. Malboro Menace "FFX"
Comment: First of all i made few mistakes in the 51st-198th list, rank 134th is not Valefor but Pterya (Isaaru's Valefor) and rank 96th is not Bahamut Zero instead of Neo Bahamut (sorry i forgot about Valefor's doppelganger and i dont play FF VII XD)
Anw, let's take a look on the summons who always appear in each series e.g. Shiva, Ifrit, Odin, etc, whose series has the highest rank. For the most favorite version of ..... Shiva is from FF X at rank 11th, Ifrit is also from FF X at rank 80th, Bahamut -> FF VII at 8th, Odin -> FF XIII at rank 17th, Alexander -> FF XIV at 47th, Cactuar and Tonberry -> FF VIII at 36th and 25th
Well, i have to say that i like Shiva from FF X, because of the hair lol. I always like Bahamut because of the cool design but i would vote for FF X version also because he has human form and also makes appearance in the story. This is the odd thing, Cactuar and Tonberry always look the same in each series rite, but why FF VIII version? Idk either, their first appearance was not in FF VIII for sure.
1. To Zanarkand "FFX" link 👍
2. Clash on the Big Bridge "FFV" link
3. Eyes On Me "FFVIII" link 👍👍👍
4. Searching for Friends "FFVI" link
5. Flash "FFXIII" link
6. One-Winged Angel " FFVII '' link
7. Aerith's Theme "FFVII" link
8. Melodies Of Life "FFIX" link 👍👍👍
9. Main theme "Final Fantasy Series" link
10. Still More Fighting "FFVII" link
11. Isn't it Wonderful / Suteki da ne "FFX" link 👍
12. Dancing Mad "FFVI" link
13. You're Not Alone "FFIX" link
14. The Place I`ll Return to Someday "FFIX" link
15. Someday the Dream Will End “FFX” link 👍👍👍👍
16. Eternal Wind " FFIII '' link 👍👍👍
17. The Decisive Battle "FFVI" link
18. Prelude "Final Fantasy Series" link 👍
19. Terra's Theme " FFVI '' link 👍👍👍
20. The Man with the Machine Gun " FFVIII '' link 👍👍👍👍
21. Sunleth Waterscape " FFXIII " link 👍👍
22. My home, Sweet Home " FFV " link
23. Otherworld "FFX"
24. Shadowbringers " FFXIV "
26*. Eternity -Memory of Lightwaves- " FFX-2 " link 👍👍
26*. The Beginning of the End " Final Fantasy Type-0 " link 👍
28. Rebel Army Theme " FFII " link
29. Chocobo Theme "Final Fantasy Series" link
30. Battle With the Four Fiends " FFIV " link
31. FFVII Main Theme " FFVII " link
32. Fisherman's Horizon " FFVIII "
33. Rose of May " FFIX " link
34. Opening -Bombing Mission- "FFVII" link
35. Dragonsong "FFXIV"
36. Fighting "FFVII" link
37*. Awakening " FFXI ''
37*. Aria " FFVI " link
40. Ronfaure "FFXI"
41. Red Wings " FFIV '' link
42. Final Fantasy V Main Theme "FFV" link 👍👍👍
43. 1000 Words "FFX-2" 👍👍
44. Battle 2 " FFIV '' link 👍👍👍
45*. The Fierce Battle " FFVI '' link
45*. Main Theme " Final Fantasy " link 👍
47*. Seymour Battle "FFX" link
47*. Real Emotion (FFX-2 Mix) " FFX-2 '' 👍
47*. Tomorrow and Tomorrow " FFXIV ''
50. Somnus " FFXV ''
51. Wayward Daughter -Tsukuyomi Theme- "FFXIV" link
52. Answer "FFXIV"
53*. Final Fantasy IV Main Theme "FFIV" link 👍👍👍
53*. Theme of Love "FFIV" link
55. The Tempest, Amaurot Theme "FFXIV" link
56. Over The Hill "FFIX" link 👍👍👍
57. NOCTIS " FFXV ''
58. New World " FFV '' link
59. The Extreme " FFVIII ''
60. Victory Fanfare "Final Fantasy" link
61. Kaze No Ne " FFCC '' link
62. Ending Theme "FFVI" link
63. The Final Battle "FFIV" link
64. Cosmo Canyon " FFVII '' link
65. Force Your Way " FFVIII ''
66. Celes' Theme " FFVI '' link 👍
67*. Why " Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core "
67*. The Price of Freedom "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core" link
69. Triumph " FFXIV ''
70. The Decisive Battle " FFV '' link
71. Something to Protect "FFIX" link
72. Escape: Omega V3.0 Theme "FFXIV" link
73. Rise-Alexander Prime Final Phase Theme-"FFXIV" link
74. Attack " FFX '' link
75. Crystal Tower " FFIII " link
76. The Worm's Tail -Shinryu Theme- "FFXIV" link
77. Opening Theme " FFXII " link
78. Matoya's Cave " Final Fantasy '' link
79. Invincible -Hades Final Phase Theme-"FFXIV" link
80. Dear Friends "FFV" link
81. Under the Weight -Titan Final Phase Theme- "FFXIV" link
82. Opening Theme "FFV" link
83. The Boundless Ocean "FFIII" link
84. Swords of Fury "FFIX" link
85. Dust to Dust " FFXIII '' link
86. Battle 1 " FFIV '' link
87. Because You Are Here (Long Version) "FFXIII" link
88. Tifa's Theme "FFVII"
89. Vamo'alla flamenco "FFIX"
90. Memory of the Wind- Legend of the Eternal Wind- "FFIII" 👍 link
91. Song of Prayer “FFX” link
92. Torn From the Heavens "FFXIV" link
93*. The Gold Saucer "FFVII" link
93*. Fighters of the Crystal " FFXI ''
95. Battle 2 " FFIII '' link
96. Antipyretic " FF Tactics "
97*. Sunrise -Suzaku Theme-"FFXIV" link
97*. Ragnarok " FFXI ''
99. Dark Messenger " FFIX '' link
100. Valse di Fantastica " FFXV ''
Comment: I made two mistakes again lol XD Rank 45th was not Main Theme from FF Series but FF I and rank 29th is not Chocobo Theme from FF II but FF series
Ok, all of my predictions are missed for this music category, Real Emotion and 1000 Words are not in the top 10. The 1st and 2nd place winners are kinda surprising, "To Zanarkand" i know but i dont like, "Clash on the Big Bridge" never heard of it XD The more suprising part is only one FFXII song made it in the top 100, the Opening Theme at 77th and one FFII song, Rebel Army Theme at 28th. Poor games. FF XII's Kiss me Goodbye is out-o.
As i said before, i only played FF VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII but how come i gave thumbs up icon to oldies FF songs. Well i heard them from FFRK, thanks to that game i could hear the world map, battle, boss battle theme for each series (FF I ~ FF X). And big thanks to Rubicante that i like FF IV Battle 2 theme, he is a f***ing hard boss ^^"
Source: Famitsu, NHK, Siliconera
Total votes: 468,654 (Female: 49.2% Male: 50.8%)
<20: 4.7="" p="">20-29: 27.3%
30-39: 44.5%
40-49: 19.3%
50-59: 3.6%
>59: 0.5%
- Final Fantasy X (2001)
- Final Fantasy VII (1997)
- Final Fantasy VI (1994)
- Final Fantasy IX (2000)
- Final Fantasy XIV (2010~)
- Final Fantasy V (1992)
- Final Fantasy VIII (1999)
- Final Fantasy IV (1991)
- Final Fantasy XI (2002~)
- Final Fantasy XV (2016)
- Final Fantasy Tactics (1997)
- Final Fantasy III (1990)
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (2007)
- Final Fantasy XIII (2009)
- Final Fantasy XII (2006)
- Final Fantasy Type-0 (2011)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (2003)
- Final Fantasy II (1988)
- Final Fantasy X-2 (2003)
- Mobius Final Fantasy (2015~)
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (2013)
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (2003)
- Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)
- Final Fantasy (1987)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (2007)
- Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (2011)
- Final Fantasy Adventure (1991)
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2011)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (2009)
- Final Fantasy Record Keeper (2014~)
Reading FFRK at 30th kinda bring back memories, i played that game before. Very addicting... in the bus, on lunch break, then suddenly after an update i couldn't log in T_T Anw, i made a Spreadsheet for the gender and age breakdown votes in each series but unfortunately they didnt give a complete data.
1. Cloud " FFVII ''
2. Yuna "FFX"
3. Aerith " FFVII ''
4. Vivi "FFIX"
5. Zidane " FFIX ''
6. Emet-Selch "FFXIV"
7. Tidus " FFX ''
8. Lightning "FFXIII"
9. Tifa "FFVII"
10. Zack "FFVII"
11. Sephiroth "FFVII"
12. Haurchefant Greystone "FFXIV"
13. Noctis Lucis Chaelum "FFXV"
14. Squall "FFVIII"
15. Auron " FFX ''
16. Gilgamesh "FFV"
17. Terra " FFVI ''
18. Kain "FFIV"
19. Celes " FFVI ''
20. Crystal Exarch " FFXIV ''
21. Locke "FFVI"
22. Vincent "FFVII"
23. Edgar "FFVI"
24. Shantotto " FFXI ''
25. Bartz "FFV"
26. Laguna " FFVIII ''
27. Rikku "FFX"
28. Ignis Scientia "FFXV"
29. Balthier " FFXII ''
30. Faris "FFV"
31. Agrias Oaks "FF Tactics"
32. Reno " FFVII ''
33. Yuffie "FFVII"
34. Jecht "FFX"
35. Rinoa " FFVIII ''
36. Ramza Beoulve "FF Tactics"
37. Rydia (adult) "FFIV"
38. Prompto Argentum "FFXV"
39. Galuf " FFV ''
40. Cecil (paladin) "FFIV"
41.Shadow "FFVI"
42. Estinien Wyrmblood "FFXIV"
43. Kefka "FFVI"
44. Setzer "FFVI"
45. Garnet "FFIX"
46. Ardbert " FFXIV ''
47. Kuja " FFIX ''
48. Hope Estheim "FFXIII"
49. Sabin "FFVI"
50. Red XIII " FFVII ''
51.Y'shtola "FFXIV"
52. Beatrix "FFIX"
53. Wakka " FFX ''
54. Golbeza "FFIV"
55. Eiko "FFIX"
56. Cidolfus Orlandeau "FF tactics"
57. Kurasame Susaya "Final Fantasy Type-0"
58. G’raha Tia "FFXIV"
59. Cid " FFVII ''
60. Alisaie Leveilleur "FFXIV"
61. Ace " Final Fantasy Type-0 ''
62. Lulu "FFX"
63. Ardyn Izunia "FFXV"
64. Lenna " FFV ''
65. Alphinaud Leveilleur "FFXIV"
66*. Ultros " FFVI ''
66*. Edge "FFIV"
68. Vaan " FFXII ''
69. Lunafreya Knox Fleuret "FF XV"
70. Irvine "FFVIII"
71. Minwu "FFII"
72. Steiner "FFIX"
73. Selphie "FFVIII"
74. Freya "FFIX"
75. Aranea Highwind "FFXV"
76. Cecil (dark knight) " FFIV "
77. Lydia (child) "FFIV"
78. Rufus Shinra "FFVII ''
79*. Ashe " FFXII "
79*. Zell "FFVIII ''
81. Noel Kreis " FFXIII-2 "
82. Seifer "FFVIII"
83. Porom "FFIV"
84. Palom "FFIV"
85. Aymeric de Borel " FFXIV "
86. Serah Farron " FFXIII "
87. Kimahri " FFX "
88. Firion " FFII "
89. Quistis "FFVIII"
90. Cait Sith "FFVII"
91. Gladiolus Amicitia " FFXV "
92. Yotsuyu goe Brutus "FFXIV"
93. Main character (Wol) " Final Fantasy Mobius"
94. Zenos yae Galvus "FFXIV"
95. Fray Myste "FFXIV"
96. Quina "FFIX''
97. Warriors of Light "Final Fantasy"
98. Hildibrand Helidor Maximilian Manderville "FFXIV"
99. Oerba Dia Vanille "FFXIII"
100. Genesis "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core''
101*. Basch "FFXII ''
101*. Thancred Waters "FFXIV"
103. Penelo "FFXII ''
104. Fran "FFXII ''
105. Judge Gabranth "FFXII"
106. Leo " FFVI "
107. Mog "FFVI"
108. Oerba Yun Fang "FFXIII"
109. Sherlotta " FFCC Echoes of Time "
110. Krile " FFV "
111. Delita Heiral " Final Fantasy Tactics "
112. Nanamo ul Namo "FFXIV ''
113. Angeal Hewley "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core"
114. Gaffgarion "Final Fantasy Tactics"
115. Maat " FFXI "
116*. Tataru Taru "FFXIV"
116*. Rem "FFVI"
116*. Paine "FFX-2 ''
119. Snow Villers "FFXIII ''
120. Seymour "FFX ''
121. Blank "FFIX"
122. Desch " FFIII "
123. Cyan "FFVI"
124. Interceptor "FFVI"
125. ? ? ? ? "FFX-2 ''
126. Asahi sas Brutus "FFXIV"
127. Light Warriors "FFIII"
128. Boco "FFV"
129. Prishe "FFXI"
130. Exdeath "FFV ''
131. Gau "FFVI"
132. ARgath Thadalfus "Final Fantasy Tactics"
133. Urianger Augerelt "FFXIV"
134. Aphmau " FFXI ''
135. Larsa "FFXII"
136*. Emperor Mateus "FFII"
136*. Chocobo " Final Fantasy Adventure "
136*. Aria " FFIII ''
139. Sazh Katzroy "FFXIII"
140. Ravus Nox Fleuret "FFXV"
141. Ysayle Dangoulain "FFXIV"
142. Lilisette " FFXI ''
143. Karaha-Baruha "FFXI"
144. Regis Lucis Chaelum "FFXV"
145*. Josef "FFII"
145*. Rosa "FFIV"
147. Gadalar " FFXI ''
148. Cindy Aurum "FFXV"
149. Marche Radiuju " Final Fantasy Tactics Advance "
150. Eight " Final Fantasy Type-0 ''
151. Feo-Ul “FFXIV”
152. Fujin "FFVIII"
153. Ultimecia "FFVIII"
154. Layle "FFCC Crystal Bearer ''
155. Stilltzkin " FFIX ''
156*. Garland "Final Fantasy"
156*. Echo " Final Fantasy Mobius ''
158*. Chocobo Chick "FFXIII"
158*. Iroha " FFXI ''
160*. Mustadio Bunansa "Final Fantasy Tactics"
160*. Reeve " FFVII ''
160*. Marcie "Fantasy Gaiden Adventure"
160*. Vayne " FFXII ''
164. Moogle " Final Fantasy XIII-2 "
165*. Ajido-Marujido "FFXI"
165*. Krile Mayer Baldesion "FFXIV"
167*. Pupu " FFVIII ''
167*. Tyro " Final Fantasy Record Keeper "
169. Ryne " FFXIV ''
170. Gogo "FFVI"
171*. Tseng “FFVII”
171*. Wiegraf Folles "Final Fantasy Tactics"
173. Papalymo Totolymo "FFXIV"
174*. Deuce " Final Fantasy Type-0 ''
174*. Brother "FFX"
176*. Rem Tokimiya "Final Fantasy Type-0"
176*. Fickblix " FFXI ''
176*. Edea "FFVIII"
179*. Leon " FFII ''
179*. Shoopuf driver "FFX"
181. Elena "FFVII"
182. Magnai Oronir "FFXIV"
183*. Tellah "FFIV"
183*. Shelke Rui " Final Fantasy VII-Dirge of Cerberus ''
185. Robel-Akbel "FFXI"
186*. Machina Kunagiri "Final Fantasy Type-0"
186*. Yuri " FFCC Ring of Fate "
188. Four old men "FFIII"
189. Arciela V Adoulin " FFXI ''
190*. Minfilia Warde "FFXIV"
190*. Jack "Final Fantasy Type-0"
190*. Cissnei "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core"
193. Edward "FFIV"
194*. Luneth "FFIII"
194*. Cor Leonis "FFXV"
196*. Hien Rijin "FFXIV"
196*. Cid Raines " FFXIII ''
198*. Fat Chocobo "FFIII"
198*. Barrett "FFVII"
198*. Seven "Final Fantasy Type-0"
Comment: FF X won the series category but the 1st place for character category is Cloud from FF VII. Bibi, Zidane (FF IX), and Zack (Crisis Core) are in top 10 wow, they were even not in the top 30 interim result. And this Solus guy or Emet-Selch (FF XIV) jumped on from 11th to 6th?! Is he that badass? Oh look, there is Steiner (FF IX) at 72nd, thought he wont make it XD
For the top 75, the most popular characters from Type-0 are Kurasame at 57th and Ace at 61st. I have to admit that those two have the coolest design in the game. Also only three characters from Tactics, Agrias at 31st, Ramza at 36th, and Cidolfus at 56th.
Dragoon girls at 74th and 75th, Freya (FF IX) and Aranea (FF XV). Kain (FF IV) is the most popular dragoon class character at rank 18th who even beaten the main protagonist Cecil who is at 40th
1. Knights of Round "FFVII"
2. Kefka "FFVI"
3. Hades "FFXIV"
4. Anima "FFX"
5. Omega "FFV"
6. Valefore "FFX"
7. Braska's Final Aeon "FFX"
8. Bahamut Zero " FFVII ''
9. Syldra "FFV"
10. Safer Sephiroth "FFVII"
11. Shiva " FFX ''
12. Bahamut " FFX ''
13. Rubicante "FFIV"
14. Tsukuyomi "FFXIV"
15. Cloud of Darkness "FF III"
16. Ghost Train "FF VI"
17. Odin " FFXIII ''
18. Omega V4.0 "FFXIV"
19. Titan "FFXIV"
20. Yiazmat "FFXII"
21. Shinryu "FFV"
22. Diablos "FFVIII"
23. Trance Kuja " FFIX ''
24. Ozma " FFIX ''
25. Tonberry "FFVIII"
26. Neo Ex-Death " FFV ''
27. Typhon " FFVI ''
28. Ultima Weapon " FFVI ''
29. Koyo Koyo "FFVIII"
30. Chocobo & Moogle "FFVII"
31*. Yojimbo "FFX"
31*. Demon's Wall "FFIV"
33. Bahamut " FFV ''
34. Titania "FFXIV"
35. Shadow Lord " FFXI ''
36. Cactuar " FFVIII ''
37. Zeromus "FFIV"
38. Omega Weapon "FFVIII"
39. Shiva " FFXV ''
40. Bahamut "FFIII"
41. Bahamut Prime "FFXIV"
42. Eden "FFVIII"
43. Shiva " FFVIII ''
44. Garuda "FFIII"
45. Belias "FF Tactics"
46. Odin "FFVIII"
47. Alexander Prime "FFXIV"
48. Nidhogg "FFXIV"
49. Nemesis "FFX"
50. Magus Sisters " FFX ''
51. Calcabrina " FFIV "
52. Leviathan " FFXV "
53. Suzaku " FFXIV "
54. Madeen " FFIX "
55. Brothers " FFVIII "
56. Emperor (second time) " FFII "
57. Cactuar " FX "
58*. Altima " FF Tactics "
58*. Eternal Darkness " FFIX ''
60*. Twintania "FFXIV"
60*. Seymour "FFX"
62. Rhitahtyn "FFXIV"
63. Bahamut " FFVII "
64. Odin " FFIII ''
65. Bahamut "FFIV"
66. Midgar Zolom " FFVII ''
67. Knights of the Round "FFXV"
68. Quetzalcoatl "FFVIII"
69. Barbariccia "FFIV"
70. Gilgamesh " FFXIV ''
71. Shiva " FFXIV ''
72. Shiva " FFXIII ''
73. Omega Alphascape V3.0 "FFXIV"
74. Jumbo Cactuar "FFVIII"
75. Adamantoise “FFXV”
76. Deathgaze " FFVI "
77. Shinryu " FFXIV ''
78. Mogul Mog XII " FFXIV ''
79. Don Tonberry "FFX"
80. Ifrit "FFX"
81. Ramuh "FFXV"
82*. Odin " FFV "
82*. Gilgamesh " Final Fantasy Dissidia "
84. Odin " FFVII ''
85. Brute Justice "FFXIV"
86. Bahamut " FFIX ''
87. Seymour Omnis "FFX"
88. Carbuncle "FFVIII"
89. Ultima Weapon " FFVII ''
90. Two Headed Dragon " FFIII ''
91. Bahamut " FFVIII ''
92. Nael Deus Darnus "FFXIV"
93. Emerald Weapon "FFVII"
94. Ixion " FFX ''
95. Mist Dragon " FFIV ''
96. Bahamut Zero "FFVII"
97. X-ATM092 " FFVIII ''
98. Griever " FFVIII ''
99. Doomtrain "FFVIII"
100. Bhunivelze " Final Fantasy XIII:Lightning Returns "
101 Atomos " FFV ''
102*. Ark " FFIX ''
102*. Ifrit " FFVIII ''
104. Bahamut " FFXV ''
105*. Odin "FFIV"
105*. Absolute Virtue " FFXI ''
107. Golem "FFV"
108. Chaos " Final Fantasy ''
109. Melusine "FFV"
110. Shiva " FFVII ''
111. Ifrit "FFXV"
112. Kefka " FFXIV ''
113. Cuchulainn "FF Tactics"
114. Maduin " FFVI ''
115. Carbuncle "FFXI"
116. Mumba "FFVIII"
117. Hein "FFIII"
118. Bizarro Sephiroth "FFVII"
119. Dark Knight "FFIV"
120. Black Knight "FFII"
121. Minerva " Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core "
122. Ultima Weapon " FFXIV ''
123. Zodiark " FFXII ''
124. Ultima Weapon " FFVIII ''
125*. Ultima " FFXII ''
125*. Bahamut "FFVI"
127*. Vargas "FFVI"
127*. Bahamut Fury "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core"
127*. Ultima Buster "FFVI"
130. Tonberry " FFXIII ''
131*. Cagnazzo "FFIV"
131*. The Madragoras " FFXII ''
133. Undead Princess " FFCC Echoes of Time "
134*. Captain "FFII"
134*. Phoenix "FFV"
134*. Pterya " FFX ''
137*. Alexander "FFVI"
137*. ? ? ? ? "FFX"
139. Chadarnook "FFVI"
140*. Sin (head) "FFX"
140*. Ozma " FFXIV ''
142*. Goddess "FFVI"
142*. Fenrir "FFXI"
144. Jenova LIFE "FFVII"
145. Garuda " FFXIV ''
146. Tonberry " FFXV ''
147*. Dadaluma " FFVI ''
147*. Seymour Natus “FFX”
147*. Tantarian " FFIX ''
150. Moogle " FF Tactics ''
151*. Baldanders " FFXIII ''
151*. Scarmiglione " FFIV ''
153. Magic Master " FFVI ''
154*. Valigarmanda " FFVI ''
154*. Yan " FFIX ''
156*. Orphan "FFXIII"
156*. Innocence " FFXIV ''
158*. Ruby Weapon " FFVII ''
158*. Orthros " FF Brave Exvius ''
160*. Gigantuar " FFXIII ''
160*. Titan (Eden's Gate: Sepulture) "FFXIV"
162. Angeal Penance "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core"
163. Alexander " FFXI ''
164. Feral Chaos " Final Fantasy Dissidia ''
165*. Susano "FFXIV"
165*. Gilgamesh “ FFXII Revenant Wing ”
167. Odin " FFVI ''
168. Angra Mainyu " FFX-2 "
169*. Shiva " Final Fantasy Type-0 "
169*. Kain "FFIV"
169*. Leviathan "FFVIII"
172. Dragon "FFIV"
173. Titan "FFXV"
174*. Chocobo "FFIV"
174*. Leviathan "FFVII"
174*. Scathach "FFXIV"
177*. Ravana " FFXIV ''
177*. Chocobo "FFVIII"
179. Cray Claw "FFV"
180*. Jack Moschet " FFCC "
180*. Bahamut " Final Fantasy Type-0 ''
182. Shiva " FFIX ''
183*. Ymir "FFVI"
183*. Unstable Cluster " FFXI ''
183*. Gerogero "FFVIII"
186*. ? ? ? ? " FFX-2 ''
186*. Alexander " FFXIII ''
188*. Efrey "FFX"
188*. Carbuncle " FFIX ''
190. Gigantuar " FFXV ''
191*. Ark Angel EV " FFXI ''
191*. Lamia Queen " FFII ''
193. Der Richter (Penance) "FFX"
194*. Rursan Arbiter "Final Fantasy Type-0"
194*. Lost Number “FFVII”
196*. Coeurl " FFXV ''
196*. Lifeform Hojo-N " FFVII ''
198*. Guard Scorpion "FFVII"
198*. Bahamut " FFXIII ''
198*. Malboro Menace "FFX"
Comment: First of all i made few mistakes in the 51st-198th list, rank 134th is not Valefor but Pterya (Isaaru's Valefor) and rank 96th is not Bahamut Zero instead of Neo Bahamut (sorry i forgot about Valefor's doppelganger and i dont play FF VII XD)
Anw, let's take a look on the summons who always appear in each series e.g. Shiva, Ifrit, Odin, etc, whose series has the highest rank. For the most favorite version of ..... Shiva is from FF X at rank 11th, Ifrit is also from FF X at rank 80th, Bahamut -> FF VII at 8th, Odin -> FF XIII at rank 17th, Alexander -> FF XIV at 47th, Cactuar and Tonberry -> FF VIII at 36th and 25th
Well, i have to say that i like Shiva from FF X, because of the hair lol. I always like Bahamut because of the cool design but i would vote for FF X version also because he has human form and also makes appearance in the story. This is the odd thing, Cactuar and Tonberry always look the same in each series rite, but why FF VIII version? Idk either, their first appearance was not in FF VIII for sure.
1. To Zanarkand "FFX" link 👍
2. Clash on the Big Bridge "FFV" link
3. Eyes On Me "FFVIII" link 👍👍👍
4. Searching for Friends "FFVI" link
5. Flash "FFXIII" link
6. One-Winged Angel " FFVII '' link
7. Aerith's Theme "FFVII" link
8. Melodies Of Life "FFIX" link 👍👍👍
9. Main theme "Final Fantasy Series" link
10. Still More Fighting "FFVII" link
11. Isn't it Wonderful / Suteki da ne "FFX" link 👍
12. Dancing Mad "FFVI" link
13. You're Not Alone "FFIX" link
14. The Place I`ll Return to Someday "FFIX" link
15. Someday the Dream Will End “FFX” link 👍👍👍👍
16. Eternal Wind " FFIII '' link 👍👍👍
17. The Decisive Battle "FFVI" link
18. Prelude "Final Fantasy Series" link 👍
19. Terra's Theme " FFVI '' link 👍👍👍
20. The Man with the Machine Gun " FFVIII '' link 👍👍👍👍
21. Sunleth Waterscape " FFXIII " link 👍👍
22. My home, Sweet Home " FFV " link
23. Otherworld "FFX"
24. Shadowbringers " FFXIV "
26*. Eternity -Memory of Lightwaves- " FFX-2 " link 👍👍
26*. The Beginning of the End " Final Fantasy Type-0 " link 👍
28. Rebel Army Theme " FFII " link
29. Chocobo Theme "Final Fantasy Series" link
30. Battle With the Four Fiends " FFIV " link
31. FFVII Main Theme " FFVII " link
32. Fisherman's Horizon " FFVIII "
33. Rose of May " FFIX " link
34. Opening -Bombing Mission- "FFVII" link
35. Dragonsong "FFXIV"
36. Fighting "FFVII" link
37*. Awakening " FFXI ''
37*. Aria " FFVI " link
40. Ronfaure "FFXI"
41. Red Wings " FFIV '' link
42. Final Fantasy V Main Theme "FFV" link 👍👍👍
43. 1000 Words "FFX-2" 👍👍
44. Battle 2 " FFIV '' link 👍👍👍
45*. The Fierce Battle " FFVI '' link
45*. Main Theme " Final Fantasy " link 👍
47*. Seymour Battle "FFX" link
47*. Real Emotion (FFX-2 Mix) " FFX-2 '' 👍
47*. Tomorrow and Tomorrow " FFXIV ''
50. Somnus " FFXV ''
51. Wayward Daughter -Tsukuyomi Theme- "FFXIV" link
52. Answer "FFXIV"
53*. Final Fantasy IV Main Theme "FFIV" link 👍👍👍
53*. Theme of Love "FFIV" link
55. The Tempest, Amaurot Theme "FFXIV" link
56. Over The Hill "FFIX" link 👍👍👍
57. NOCTIS " FFXV ''
58. New World " FFV '' link
59. The Extreme " FFVIII ''
60. Victory Fanfare "Final Fantasy" link
61. Kaze No Ne " FFCC '' link
62. Ending Theme "FFVI" link
63. The Final Battle "FFIV" link
64. Cosmo Canyon " FFVII '' link
65. Force Your Way " FFVIII ''
66. Celes' Theme " FFVI '' link 👍
67*. Why " Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core "
67*. The Price of Freedom "Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core" link
69. Triumph " FFXIV ''
70. The Decisive Battle " FFV '' link
71. Something to Protect "FFIX" link
72. Escape: Omega V3.0 Theme "FFXIV" link
73. Rise-Alexander Prime Final Phase Theme-"FFXIV" link
74. Attack " FFX '' link
75. Crystal Tower " FFIII " link
76. The Worm's Tail -Shinryu Theme- "FFXIV" link
77. Opening Theme " FFXII " link
78. Matoya's Cave " Final Fantasy '' link
79. Invincible -Hades Final Phase Theme-"FFXIV" link
80. Dear Friends "FFV" link
81. Under the Weight -Titan Final Phase Theme- "FFXIV" link
82. Opening Theme "FFV" link
83. The Boundless Ocean "FFIII" link
84. Swords of Fury "FFIX" link
85. Dust to Dust " FFXIII '' link
86. Battle 1 " FFIV '' link
87. Because You Are Here (Long Version) "FFXIII" link
88. Tifa's Theme "FFVII"
89. Vamo'alla flamenco "FFIX"
90. Memory of the Wind- Legend of the Eternal Wind- "FFIII" 👍 link
91. Song of Prayer “FFX” link
92. Torn From the Heavens "FFXIV" link
93*. The Gold Saucer "FFVII" link
93*. Fighters of the Crystal " FFXI ''
95. Battle 2 " FFIII '' link
96. Antipyretic " FF Tactics "
97*. Sunrise -Suzaku Theme-"FFXIV" link
97*. Ragnarok " FFXI ''
99. Dark Messenger " FFIX '' link
100. Valse di Fantastica " FFXV ''
Comment: I made two mistakes again lol XD Rank 45th was not Main Theme from FF Series but FF I and rank 29th is not Chocobo Theme from FF II but FF series
Ok, all of my predictions are missed for this music category, Real Emotion and 1000 Words are not in the top 10. The 1st and 2nd place winners are kinda surprising, "To Zanarkand" i know but i dont like, "Clash on the Big Bridge" never heard of it XD The more suprising part is only one FFXII song made it in the top 100, the Opening Theme at 77th and one FFII song, Rebel Army Theme at 28th. Poor games. FF XII's Kiss me Goodbye is out-o.
As i said before, i only played FF VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII but how come i gave thumbs up icon to oldies FF songs. Well i heard them from FFRK, thanks to that game i could hear the world map, battle, boss battle theme for each series (FF I ~ FF X). And big thanks to Rubicante that i like FF IV Battle 2 theme, he is a f***ing hard boss ^^"
Source: Famitsu, NHK, Siliconera
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