Masahiro Sakurai the director of Super Smash Bros Ultimate shared some of his thoughts about the recently added character, Byleth from Fire Emblem Three Houses to the game on Januray 29, 2020
- The new fighters weren’t Sakurai’s own favorites
- Once again, Nintendo was behind those choices
- This time Sakurai is bringing the experience to play as the protagonist of a game you can play right now right away
- He tried to start working on a title where the original game was still in development
- Sakurai says he understands well that there are too many Fire Emblem characters
- Also understands that there are too many sword users
- It has been decided like that so he just proceeds as-is
- There are other things Sakurai has to think about more
- Since there are so many sword users, he brings in tactic exclusive to each fighter
- The 3 Hero Relics owned by the three house leaders were being included in move inputs
I laughed hard when i read too many Fire Emblem characters and too many sword users XD
Then stop adding Fire Emblem characters and add 2B from Nier Automata asddfeq%^#$#% ........ But she is also a sword user -_-
Hmmmm..... Alucard from Castlevania is also a sword user. Popular character from popular game who is not using sword. I know! Jill or Leon from Resident Evil series, they are gun users or Dante, he is using sword and twin guns XD I cant think of other heroes cause most of them are sword users lol
Source: Nintendo Everything
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