Simple Tutorial
Set the foreground and background color --> Clouds --> Difference Clouds (both in "Filter" Menu --> Render)
Duplicate your cloud layer
For the top cloud layer, add mosaic effect ("Filter" menu --> Pixelate --> Mosaic) --> Sharpen --> Blending: Screen 70%
Mosaic tut made by Shinta from imanimation, but unfortunately i couldnt access the website long time ago until now
Add Sora render. Render setting:
Give some smudge with smudge tool
Replace some color with blue ("Image" menu --> Adjustment --> Replace color)
My Blue Sora Render
Add KH logo. Logo setting:
Swirls --> add Circle brush from Adobe --> skew, distort, warp it whatever you want ("Edit" menu --> Transform)
Stars --> add star brush from Adobe
Glow effects --> check the tutorial in hereMy KH Logo Render
Add some text
Glow effects --> check the tutorial in..... Woops sorry, the link is broken and i think the website has closed Lol
You are done^^
Any questions? Post it in the Comments box