Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim New Character, Yuna and Final Trailer Screenshots (UPDATE)

Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim Render
Aerith (DLC)
Tifa (DLC)

Extra  21 screenshots
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File Size 6.15 MB

Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim Final Trailer
Here are some screenshots from the trailer (caption it with a program but the result isnt that great). Click the images to enlarge it (a little bit blurry XD)

I've been wondering why there are so many new characters from the hero side, Vaan, Laguna, Lightning, etc. And there arent new character from the villain side Lol. It would look imba for the Chaos side
Well, from the new trailer, it seems that Tina from FF VI, Cloud and Sephiroth from FF VII, plus Tidus from FF X would join the Chaos side. And Jecht turned to the Cosmos side.
Source Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim Official Website

Complete Renders and Screenshots in here